Web And React JS

Learn HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, and ReactJS. Master website structure, styling, and dynamic functionalities. Build a multi-page website project and delve into React's advanced features like routing, props, hooks, and MaterialUI for polished UI development.


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Course Curriculum

Introduction to Web:

Understanding how websites work, client side and server side. Installing VS code and its extensions.


Running a HTML Program, implementing important HTML tags, Semantic and Non-Semantic tags, Inline and Block Elements, Creating Tables, Forms, Iframe tags, Ids and classes. Creating a basic HTML website.

CSS and Bootstrap:

Introduction to CSS, Inline, Internal and External CSS. Different types of Selectors in CSS. Working with fonts, colors, Borders and Backgrounds in CSS. Box Model, Margin and Padding, Float and Clear, Styling links and Buttons, Creating a Navigation Menu, CSS Display Property and Visibility, Adding Box shadow and text shadow. Different Types of Positions, Various types of units, CSS Media Queries. CSS Flexbox, CSS Attributes. Variables and Custom Properties, Creating Animations and Keyframes. Creating Transitions in CSS. Transform property in CSS. Introduction to bootstrap. Bootstrap components, Adding navbar, alerts, badges, buttons, buttons groups, cards, carousels, Adding custom components, linking multiple pages, adding forms, modals, login & signup options. Creating a multiple page website with help of HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

Javascript ES5 and ES6 :

Introduction to JavaScript for Frontend & Backend. Limitations of Javascript. Why Javascript? Javascript Versions. Writing in-browser JavaScript and Developer Console. Variables, Data Types, Constants and Operators in Javascript.Strings and String Functions in Javascript Arrays & Objects in Javascript. Functions in JavaScript and Arrow Functions. Scope, If-else Conditionals & Switch Case. What is DOM? Navigating The DOM. Interaction - Alert, Prompt, Confirm. Loops - for loop, for while loop, for in loop, forEach loop, forOf loop, do While Loop. Events & Listening to Events. setInterval, clearInterval & setTimeOut, cleartimeout. Date & Time In JavaScript What is JSON? Working with JSON in Javascript. Math Object in Javascript. Promises in Javascript. Callback Functions. Local & Session storage. Creating functional projects such as calculators, to-do list etc. with the help of Html, CSS and Javascript.

React JS:

Introduction to ReactJS, Features and uses of ReactJS. Installation on Node, up and running. What is Npx? Difference between npx and npm. Running a Hello world program in React. What are fragments and how to run multiple elements using react fragments. What is JSX? What is Babel? Writing JS Expressions in React JS. Template literals in JS. Adding JSX Attributes in React. Adding CSS in JSX. External CSS and Internal CSS. Bootstrap in React. What is a component? Types of components, Difference between class components, Functional components, rendering components. Importing and Exporting components. What is a prop? Props in React. Explanation Of the Hooks in detail. React-router-dom. Redux in React, MaterialUIi in React. Creating a functional website with the help of ReactJs.

Server-Side Programming :

Introduction to Node.Js Installation of Node and basic usage. REPL Feature. Node.Js Modules with Examples (Fs modules, Path Modules, OS Modules). Creating Custom Modules in Node Using NodeJs. Blocking vs Non-Blocking execution (Synchronous vs Asynchronous execution). CRUD operations with Synchronous vs Asynchronous execution. Understanding NPM: The Node Package Manager. Install other npm packages. Introduction to Nodemon and installation. Wrapper functions in NodeJs Creating our own web server, Serving HTML Files using NodeJs. Serving http requests. Creating routes types of HTTP requests,get,post,put,del. Complete JSON in NodeJS - Stringify and Parse. Streams and Buffers in NodeJs - readable & writables streams in nodejs, steam pipes in nodejs.Send Emails with Nodemailer using Ethereal in NodeJs Working with API. What is an API? Create a Simple API, Using an API. Installing Postman and usage or Thunder Client Extension. Creating a Simple API in NodeJs. How To Build and Test a Node.js REST API Create a Complete Dynamic Weather Website using an API. Creating functional websites with the help of API.

Projects Building and Interview Preparation :

Building Multiple Complete Web Projects with ReactJS. Building a Front-end Project on React JS. Mastering Group Discussions. Mastering Personal Interview Questions. Mock Interviews, Communication and Presentation Skills. Resume Building.

Once you have completed the course, assignments, exercise and submit the projects you will be able to generate the certificate

  1. Attendance of at least 80% of the classes.
  2. Completion of 80% of the projects and assignments assigned by the Company.

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