Advanced Full Stack Web Development With AI and ML

Elevate your capabilities in Full Stack Web Development using MongoDB, React.js, and Node.js. Craft dynamic web apps, while mastering Jupyter, Python, RStudio, Git, GitHub, and delve into ML and AI concepts.


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Beginner Friendly Curriculum

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Course Curriculum

Introduction to Web:

Understanding how websites work, client side and server side. Installing VS code and its extensions.


Running a HTML Program, implementing important HTML tags, Semantic and Non-Semantic tags, Inline and Block Elements, Creating Tables, Forms, Iframe tags, Ids and classes. Creating a basic HTML website.

CSS and Bootstrap:

Introduction to CSS, Inline, Internal and External CSS. Different types of Selectors in CSS. Working with fonts, colors, Borders and Backgrounds in CSS. Box Model, Margin and Padding, Float and Clear, Styling links and Buttons, Creating a Navigation Menu, CSS Display Property and Visibility, Adding Box shadow and text shadow. Different Types of Positions, Various types of units, CSS Media Queries. CSS Flexbox, CSS Attributes. Variables and Custom Properties, Creating Animations and Keyframes. Creating Transitions in CSS. Transform property in CSS. Introduction to bootstrap. Bootstrap components, Adding navbar, alerts, badges, buttons, buttons groups, cards, carousels, Adding custom components, linking multiple pages, adding forms, modals, login & signup options. Creating a multiple page website with help of HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

Javascript ES5 and ES6 :

Introduction to JavaScript for Frontend & Backend. Limitations of Javascript. Why Javascript? Javascript Versions. Writing in-browser JavaScript and Developer Console. Variables, Data Types, Constants and Operators in Javascript.Strings and String Functions in Javascript Arrays & Objects in Javascript. Functions in JavaScript and Arrow Functions. Scope, If-else Conditionals & Switch Case. What is DOM? Navigating The DOM. Interaction - Alert, Prompt, Confirm. Loops - for loop, for while loop, for in loop, forEach loop, forOf loop, do While Loop. Events & Listening to Events. setInterval, clearInterval & setTimeOut, cleartimeout. Date & Time In JavaScript What is JSON? Working with JSON in Javascript. Math Object in Javascript. Promises in Javascript. Callback Functions. Local & Session storage. Creating functional projects such as calculators, to-do list etc. with the help of Html, CSS and Javascript.

React JS :

Introduction to ReactJS, Features and uses of ReactJS. Installation on Node, up and running. What is Npx? Difference between npx and npm. Running a Hello world program in React. What are fragments and how to run multiple elements using react fragments. What is JSX? What is Babel? Writing JS Expressions in React JS. Template literals in JS. Adding JSX Attributes in React. Adding CSS in JSX. External CSS and Internal CSS. Bootstrap in React. What is a component? Types of components, Difference between class components, Functional components, rendering components. Importing and Exporting components. What is a prop? Props in React. Explanation Of the Hooks in detail. React-router-dom. Redux in React, MaterialUIi in React. Creating a functional website with the help of ReactJs.

Server-side development :

Introduction to Node.Js Installation of Node and basic usage. REPL Feature. Node.Js Modules with Blocking vs Non-Blocking execution (Synchronous vs Asynchronous execution). CRUD operations with Synchronous vs Asynchronous execution. Understanding NPM: The Node Package Manager. Install other npm packages. Introduction to Nodemon and installation. Wrapper functions in NodeJs Creating our own web server, Serving HTML Files using NodeJs. Serving http requests. Creating routes types of HTTP requests,get,post,put,del. Complete JSON in NodeJS - Stringify and Parse. Streams and Buffers in NodeJs - readable & writables streams in nodejs, steam pipes in nodejs. Send Emails with Nodemailer using Ethereal in NodeJs. Introduction to ExpressJs and installation, usage with nodejs, Basic express application, Routing multiple pages and requests on Express JS, Send HTML and JSON data as response. Template Engines, Creating Views Folder, Using raw HTML in Pug template engine and creating a website in PUG.

Node.Js :

Introduction to Node.Js Installation of Node and basic usage. REPL Feature. Node.Js Modules with Examples (Fs modules, Path Modules, OS Modules). Creating Custom Modules in Node Using NodeJs. Blocking vs Non-Blocking execution (Synchronous vs Asynchronous execution). CRUD operations with Synchronous vs Asynchronous execution. Understanding NPM: The Node Package Manager. Install other npm packages. Introduction to Nodemon and installation. Wrapper functions in NodeJs Creating our own web server, Serving HTML Files using NodeJs. Serving http requests. Creating routes types of HTTP requests,get,post,put,del. Complete JSON in NodeJS - Stringify and Parse. Streams and Buffers in NodeJs - readable & writables streams in nodejs, steam pipes in nodejs. Send Emails with Nodemailer using Ethereal in NodeJs Working with API. What is an API? Create a Simple API, Using an API. Installing Postman and usage or Thunder Client Extension. Creating a Simple API in NodeJs. How To Build and Test a Node.js REST API Create a Complete Dynamic Weather Website using an API. Creating functional websites with the help of API. Introduction to Python programming with Django,Introduction to Python programming. Setting up the idle and vscode.

Python Programming :

Introduction to Python programming. Setting up the idle and vscode,Writing code snippets. Setting up the local development environment and installing pycharm.Numbers, Arithmetic, and Printing to the ConsoleVarious Operators, Strings, Variables, and Getting Input from Users. And a simple project like Tip Calculator, GST Calculator,Conditionals and Booleans. And a simple project like Bill Generator Treasure Island,Basic Python Collections Lists, accessing values in a list, adding items, and removing items from lists,Tuples, accessing values in tuples, Tuples vs Lists. Randomization What are Loops? For Loop and While Loop What are Dictionaries? Accessing values in a Dictionary, adding items to dictionary, deleting items from dictionary Sets, defining a set, adding items to set, deleting items from set, set operations,What are Dictionaries? Accessing values in a Dictionary, adding items to dictionary, deleting items from dictionary Sets, defining a set, adding items to set, deleting items from set, set operations,What are FunctionsSplit, Join and Slice. Unpacking, Enumeration, and the zip function,Files, Directories and Paths Working with CSV data and the Pandas Library


Features of Django, Setting Up a Django Project, Creating a Django Project, Understanding Django Project Structure Django Apps and Model Definition, Defining Models in Django, Django ORM and Database Interaction,CRUD Operations with Django Models: Create (C) - Adding Records to the Database, Read (R) - Retrieving Records from the Database, Update (U) - Modifying Records in the Database, Delete (D) - Removing Records from the Database,Views, Templates, and URL Routing, Forms, User Input, and Django Admin,Django Admin Interface: Deployment of Django Applications, Configure Reverse Proxy (Nginx or Apache), Monitor and Configure Environment Variables, Configure Firewall Introduction to RESTful APIs,Definition of APIs, Purpose of APIs, REST, Architectural Style, Principles of REST,Core Concepts in REST, Building RESTful APIs with Django, Serializers and Views, Views in DRF,API Endpoints and CRUD Operations, Implementing CRUD Operations, Authentication and Permissions, Authorization and Permissions, Testing and Documentation, API Documentation


MongoDB Basics, Introduction to the Mongo shell MongoDB,Mongo DB : Basic CRUD operations Data Types in MongoDB, Object ID,InsertOne() method, Collection creation, Error handling Read operation using findOne() method,MongoDB projection, MongoDB $eq operator, MongoDB $eq operator,MongoDB updateOne() method, $set operator,MongoDB updateMany() method MongoDB deleteOne() method, Creating a Model, Creating a document,Uniqueness of Mongoose, Finding a document,Introduction to Rest API, Uniform Interface, Client-Server, Stateless, Cacheable, Layered System, Resource Identifiers, Hypermedia, Self-DescriptiveDownload and Install Postman,

Introduction to GIT and GITHUB - Introduction and its uses, Commands, Commit, Branch, Tags, Merge, Update, Repositories and more.Hosting our React project on Heroku

Machine Learning :

Introduction to Python for Data Science: Anaconda Python and Jupyter Install and Setup.Environment Setup,NumpyPandasMatplotlib Machine Learning Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning,Linear Regression,Feature Engineering and Data Preparation,Logistic Regression,KNN - K Nearest Neighbours,Support Vector Machines,Tree Based Methods,Random Forests,Boosting Methods,Naive Bayes Classification Apply different supervised machine learning techniques to find out the result on the based conditions from the preprocessed dataset,K-means Clustering,Hierarchical Clustering,DBSCAN - Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise,PCA - Principal Component Analysis and Manifold TechniquesModel Deployment - finally on the dataset apply the ML and make the model fit for the dataset

Introduction To AI :

Delve into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a focus on Deep Learning, understanding its significance, applications, and current trends. Learn the fundamentals of Neural Networks, exploring neurons, layers, and activation functions, with hands-on implementation of basic functions. Progress to more complex topics such as Weight Initialization, Forward and Backpropagation, and building a simple feedforward neural network using gradient descent. Dive into Advanced concepts like CNNs, sequence models, and transformers, exploring applications in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision. From sentiment analysis to image classification, gain practical insights into real-world AI applications. Explore ethical considerations and challenges in emerging technologies like GANs, all condensed into a comprehensive journey through the realms of AI and Deep Learning.

API Integration with Web Applications :

Set Up Your Web Application, Handle API Responses,Implement Security Measures, Monitoring and Maintenance, Security Considerations

Integrate ML/AI models into your web application through APIs :

Deploy the Model and API, Choose a Deployment Platform, Create API Endpoints, Configure Django Settings,Create Serializers ,Create Views, Create URLs,Include App URLs in Project URLs,Include the app's URLs in your project's, Integrate API Calls in Web Application,Implement User Interface for ML Integration

Projects Building and Interview Preparation :

Building Multiple Complete Full Stack Web Projects Using AI. Building Machine Learning Project with Data Sets and API’s. Building Real world AI projects. Mastering Group Discussions. Mastering Personal Interview Questions. Mock Interviews, Communication and Presentation Skills. Resume Building.

Build 40+ Projects from Scratch

Personalized News Aggregator Project

Transforming how people read news, the Personalized News Aggregator uses ML to craft custom experiences, grasping user preferences for personalized feeds

Predictive Maintenance for IoT Devices

Develop a predictive maintenance web system for IoT devices. Utilize AI to analyze sensor data, detect patterns, and schedule proactive maintenance, preventing device failures.

Real-Time Language Translation Platform

Create a language translation platform for smooth communication. Leverage NLP and machine translation for enhanced accessibility and global interaction.

Smart Energy Consumption Monitoring

Transform energy use with a Smart Monitoring System. Analyze patterns, share insights, and suggest optimizations using machine learning for efficiency.

Once you have completed the course, you will be able to generate your certificate and will also be eligible for placement assistance.

  1. Attendance of at least 80% of the classes.
  2. Completion of 80% of the projects and assignments assigned by the Company.

Note: Internship letter and global certifications will be issued exclusively upon the successful completion and submission of 80% of the projects and assignments.

Get Additional 2 Global Certifications

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Job Assistance Program

  • Placement opportunities until you get your job
  • Internally Successful completion of the initial interview rounds (Add-on)
  • Internship Letter after project completion (Add-on)
  • Online+Offline Classes - HYBRID
  • 40+ Projects, Daily Assignments and Exercises
  • Industry standard curriculum by experts and IIT graduates.
  • Live Classroom Instructor Led Classes. No Recorded Sessions
  • 1-1 live doubt support [Unlimited]
  • Dedicated relationship manager.
  • Dedicated, focused, personalised placement assistance.
  • Micro Batches 15-20 Students Only Batch Size
  • 2 Global Certifications
  • Study Materials, Resources, Handbook access and Mobile app access.

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